Sexual Harassment Attorney in Chino California
Have you been the victim of sexual harassment in the workplace by a peer, supervisor, boss, manager, or owner? You may have a sexual harassment claim against your employer as well as a legal claim for the creation of ahostile work environment. We understand that it is difficult to come forward and bring a claim against your current or foamer employer. However, you have employment rights in California and you cannot exercise your employment rights unless you hire an experienced Chino California sexual harassment lawyer. Call our Inland Empire sexual harassment lawyer today and receive a FREE phone consultation. Call today to protect your employment rights.
Hostile Work Environment Lawyer in Chino California
Our Chino Employment Law firm has experience representing current and former employees against employers. We accept all Chino California sexual harassment cases and employment cases on a contingency basis, which means you pay nothing out of pocket for your legal representation by our office and our lawyers will only collect a fee if your are successful in your Chino Sexual Harassment case. We always offer a FREE sexual harassment consultation so call today to protect your legal rights.
Chino California Labor & Employment Lawyer
The Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) defines sexual harassment as follows; as unwanted sexual advances, or visual, verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. However, in 2014 the law changed and sexual harassment does not need to be driven by sexual desire. Call us today to discuss your Chino California sexual harassment matter.