California At-Will Employment:: California Wrongful Termination Lawyers & Attorneys
Ryan P. McClure
Many lawyers will tell you that when you are an at-will employee you can be fired at any time and for any reason as long as it is not an illegal reason. Most employees in California are at-will employees, which means that their employment relationship are not governed by a contract. All at-will employees can be demoted and have their rate of pay reduced anytime by the employer and without recourse by the employee.
Despite the appearance that at-will employees have few rights that is actually not true. There are hundreds of California employment laws as well as Federal laws that protect employees in California. In addition, there are hundred of Public Policy laws that are designed to protect California employees. Therefore, it is vitally important that you talk to an experineced California wrongful termination employment lawyer if you or a loved one has suffered a adverse employment action.